ABBC Coin Long-Term Price Predictions From 2023 -2030

The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology continues to experience an increase in adoption rates as more users and adopters become aware of the endless possibilities.

Cryptocurrencies, as a modern form of payment coupled with their intrinsic real-life applications, gradually overhaul centralization and its setbacks.

This has led to increased price predictions and speculations from experts and investors on different cryptocurrencies with immense value propositions and developments.

Digital currencies and software such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) continue to power and create enabling environments and ecosystems for other decentralized applications (Dapps) and cryptocurrencies to be built on.

One such cryptocurrency and platform is the ABBC coin(ABBC), which has the potential to become the future of secured digital payments and a platform for scaling the online retail industry.

What is ABBC Coin (ABBC)?

The ABBC coin (ABBC) is a digital currency or cryptocurrency that leverages blockchain technology to create a secure platform for digital payments and transactions.

Its unique platform offers a secure and scalable gateway for transactional interactions with more focus on the online retail industry.

ABBC coin (ABBC) aims to improve and facilitate online retail adoption of cryptocurrencies by making online shopping and purchases safer and more enjoyable for shoppers and consumers.

It leverages its scalable platform to address some of the bottlenecks associated with the current retail industry, such as slow payment processing times and limited payment options.

The ABBC coin(ABBC) platform has a digital wallet function that allows users to efficiently perform and carry out fast payment transactions.

Its unique and secure digital blockchain wallet erases concerns arising from the security of assets and data handling and storage.

The ABBC platform promises to provide online retail and businesses with the tools needed to design unique customer loyalty programs to drive the growth of the online retail industry.

Its multi-digital currency platform functionality aims to support other cryptocurrencies besides its native coin (ABBC)

The platform also aims to implement several security features to protect users’ privacy and control over their digital property.

ABBC coin (ABBC) project team plans to integrate biometrics into the system to prevent unauthorized access to digital wallets. All of these innovative ideas by ABBC have led many to conclude that the ABBC coin is a good investment and ABBC coin price prediction.


Circulating supply 


Maximum supply 


All-time High 


All-time low


24H low/high

$0.1585 /$0.1633


Trading Volume 


ABBC Coin Origin And History

ABBC coin was developed and built to provide scalability solutions to the online retail industry. Its unique native token also ensures borderless transactions between multiple users and platforms.

ABBC coin was launched in October 2018 and was cofounded by founders Jason Daniel and Paul Philip, with Hassan Abbas as the current Chief Technical Officer of the ABBC project.

ABBC Coin today was formerly known and referred to as the Alibabacoin.

The name ‘Alibabacoin resulted in a legal dispute with the E-commerce giant Alibaba, and a case was filed for a name change of the coin.

Sequel to this, the team changed its name from Alibaba coin to ABBC coin(ABBC) in March 2019.

The ABBC Coin was developed to allow users and holders access to ABBC platform governance by assigning voting rights and authority to selected block producers (BPs).

The block producers can vote on proposed developments and featured upgrades on the ABBC platform.

The ABBC coin (ABBC) governance proposals may address a variety of issues, such as establishing new features, forming joint ventures and partnerships, or extending its reach into other areas.

What Protocol ABBC Coin Uses

ABBC coin (ABBC) leverages and utilizes a distinct blockchain protocol and consensus mechanism known as the EOSIO blockchain protocol. An EOSIO blockchain protocol is a highly efficient and scalable protocol committed to decentralization and secure transactions.

The EOSIO blockchain protocol is immutable and ensures all transactions carried out on its protocol are tracked and duly recorded from a sequence of interchanged blocks. Each block on its blockchain protocol contains transaction data linked to other blocks in an order sequence.

This makes it mathematically impossible to retract or modify a transaction entered or recorded on its blockchain protocol without breaking the block sequence.

ABBC coin (ABBC) was Initially a fork of Bitcoin and operated on a Proof of Work consensus mechanism right before it migrated to the EOSIO blockchain protocol.

ABBC coin (ABBC) platform has doubled its efficiency and now secures its network using the EOSIO Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS) consensus mechanism.

Compared to its original proof-of-work (POW) model, the ABBC coin(ABBC) new blockchain protocol (EOSIO) can validate transactions more quickly and effectively.

It also benefits from stake-weighted voting capabilities, allowing ABBC Coin to grow and develop under the control of the community.

Any token holder with ABBC Coin(ABBC) can vote for block producers (BPs) responsible for reaching a consensus with other BPs, maintaining the network’s security, and ensuring that only legitimate transactions are confirmed.

ABBC coin (ABBC) allows token holders to empower organizations they believe will act in their best interests by enabling the community to vote to add, edit, or remove block producers.

What Makes ABBC Coin Different From Other Cryptocurrencies

Every utility-based cryptocurrency developed has a distinct problem-solving feature that makes it unique. The ABBC coin is not left out as it possesses a unique utility and real-life application. The primary mission and aim of developing the ABBC utility coin (ABBC) is to facilitate a fast, efficient, and secure online retail payment platform through blockchain technology.

Online retail startups and small to medium-size marketplaces can significantly benefit from increased scalability and the reduction in transaction fees provided by the ABBC Coin platform.

ABBC coin (ABBC) began as a fork of Bitcoin (BTC), but in August 2019, it switched to the EOSIO network. The main advantage of the EOSIO software is that it is appropriate for scaling platforms like ABBC Coin since the amount of bandwidth available is independent of the token price.

Factors Influencing ABBC Coin Price

The constant price change in cryptocurrencies traded on global exchanges and trading platforms are influenced by several factors that determine the price direction and volatility of every cryptocurrency.

ABBC coin (ABBC) is not immune to these factors as it is traded on global trading platforms and belongs to a specific class of cryptocurrencies referred to as ‘AltCoins.’

Despite ABBC coin (ABBC) utility and real-life application in the online retail industry, the factors below influence the price growth and direction of ABBC coin. These factors are;


The demand for any cryptocurrency plays a vital role in affecting the price of its native token, either positively or negatively. Investors and traders may need to analyze the demand and trading volume of any cryptocurrency when making trade decisions.

Cryptocurrencies with high market demand have a positive price reflection and contribute to their overall price growth in the long run.

ABBC coin (ABBC) possesses a high demand potential in the cryptocurrency markets due to its coin utility and real-life application in the online retail industry.

Online retailers, startups, and end users can now leverage the ABBC coin platform in conveniently processing fast, scalable, and secure payment transactions owing to its highly efficient blockchain protocol.

The ABBC coin’s (ABBC) price growth potential might be slow due to low demand as the overall cryptocurrency markets experience a bearish and steep downtrend.

If a market turns around or bullish price reversals occurs, the ABBC coin (ABBC) may be among the herd of cryptocurrencies recovering positively as demand for its utility coin increases.

Use case

ABBC coin (ABBC) can be categorized under cryptocurrencies with real-world utility and problem-solving solutions. Its technology and blockchain protocol plays an intrinsic role in building and scaling the online retail industry.

The ABBC coin (ABBC) platform solutions cater to a vast audience of online retailers and consumers looking to conveniently perform fast and secure payment transactions.

In the long run, the  ABBC coin (ABBC) utility and use case may drive the price growth and market value of its native coin.

Investors looking to invest in cryptocurrencies may likely make investment decisions based on a cryptocurrency utility that drives price growth in the long term.

Partnership And Visions

The long-term visions and partnership prowess of any cryptocurrency project play a vital role in driving its utility coin’s price growth and value.

The online retail industry is a massive industry with increased potential to become a trillion-dollar industry.

ABBC coin (ABBC) has a vision of providing scalable industry solutions through its highly efficient and secure payment platform.

The ABBC efficient platform targets mainly small and medium-scale online owners of online marketplaces as they make up a large percentage of players in the online retail industry.

Strategic targets and partnerships may drive the price growth of ABBC coin (ABBC) as more users in the online retail industry adopt its technology and payment gateway.

ABBC Coin Price Performance In The Past

Since the inception and development of the ABBC coin (ABBC), it has shown positive signs of price growth as it soared upon launch. The  ABBC  coin (ABBC) was launched on October 12, 2018, at an open price of $0.366 on exchanges and trading platforms.

Just after it was launched, the price of the ABBC coin (ABBC) soared and reached an all-time high of $2.05 on October 25, 2018, 13 days after launch.

However, the price of the ABBC coin took a massive deep dive down to an all-time low of $0.02939 on December 6, 2018.

ABBC coin was in a range after the massive plunge and saw only intermittent highs and lows in 2019 and 2020. ABBC coin  showed an anticipated price recovery when it rose close to the $0.50 price area but later fell back into a price range between $0.10 and $0.30.

The first quarter of 2021 saw a significant start of the bull market or bullish cycle, with several cryptocurrencies rallying and showing positive price momentum.

ABBC coin  was a slow runner and did not move significantly, but not until April, when it showed some signs of price movements up to the $0.80 price area. The slight price pump of the ABBC coin was watered down when the cryptocurrency markets took a sharp plunge and bearish market reversal.

ABBC coin price took a deep dive as it plummeted with the cryptocurrency market dump, but  showed a slight recovery and reached a price of $0.324 when Bitcoin (BTC) rallied and broke its all-time high in November 2021.

Most parts of 2022 were bearish for the ABBC coin  as the general cryptocurrency markets took a bearish curve.

ABBC coin (ABBC) was further depreciated as the bear market continued and fell to a price point of $0.04864 on August 3, 2022,  following the cancellation of withdrawals from the Celsius Network crypto lending platform.

In a surprising turn of events, the ABBC coin  rallied and saw 275% gains on August 12, 2022, thereby setting the coin at $0.1935 and a market capitalization of $219m.

From the chart, the price of ABBC coin saw a decent run in 2018 to an all-time high of $2 before the current bear market impacted the price. ABBC is a good investment because of its use cases and would perform well in the market when the crypto market bounces back to its market capitalization.

How Is ABBC Coin Doing Now?

At the time of writing, the price of the ABBC coin (ABBC) sits at $0.1599 and shows a likely chance of downward momentum as its monthly candle looks bearish.

The general cryptocurrency market is currently in a bear market with most cryptocurrencies close to all-time lows. ABBC coin currently trading at a current low of $0.09 is due to poor market sentiments and a bear market.

Investors and traders looking to invest in cryptocurrencies may take advantage of the low prices and opportunities presented in a bear market.

The bull cycles or bullish markets always favor traders and investors taking advantage of buy opportunities presented in a bearish market.

ABBC  Price Prediction Today

ABBC coin is currently trading at $0.077 at the time of writing and reached a 24-hour price low of $0.065.
ABBC reached a 24-hour price high of $0.089 before it retraced back to the $0.077 price region. Based on market analysts, the ABBC coin price forecast is predicted to drop to a price range of $0.055- $0.06.

Short-Term ABBC Coin Price Prediction For February 2023

The short term outlook of the cryptocurrency markets is bearish as most cryptocurrencies are in a range and trading  close to all-time lows.

These ABBC coin price predictions are speculations by market analysts and may be subject to change depending on a new outlook and sentiments of the markets


Minimum Price

Average  Price

Maximum Price

February 2023




The price of ABBC has been affected by prolonged bear market and has impacted negatively on the price of ABBC, leading the price to drop by more than 90% in the previous year of 2022. With the new year of 2023 looking promising for many altcoins, there is a high possibility of seeing the price of ABBC rally higher than anticipated.

Long-Term ABBC Coin Price Prediction For 2023

Many traders and investors are looking forward to 2023, and its deliverables in cryptocurrency as most cryptocurrencies continue to plunge into a downtrend and bearish cycle. With the potential and use case attached to ABBC coin, many traders and investors believe ABBC coins is a good investment, and their expectations will be realized when the market bounces back from its bear run.

The table below contains a price prediction of the ABBC coin for 2023 and is purely speculative. Depending on market sentiments in 2023, ABBC coin prices may trade differently.


Minimum Price

Average  Price

Maximum Price

January 2023




February 2023




March 2023




April 2023




May 2023




June 2023




July 2023




August 2023




September 2023




October 2023




November 2023




December 2023




Long-Term ABBC Coin Price Prediction For 2023 – 2030

The future looks bright for cryptocurrencies as the adoption of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies continues at a steady increase.

The table shown below contains ABBC coin price predictions for the following years; 2023 to 2030.


Minimum Price 

Average  Price

Maximum Price

































Long-Term ABBC Coin Price Prediction By Experts

Traders and investors may consult from a wide range of price speculations and predictions metered out by industry experts on various cryptocurrencies to aid investment choices and mitigate risks.

It is also worthy of note that price speculations and predictions of cryptocurrencies are not automatic and a hundred percent accurate as these speculations come from human experts, and their judgments and forecasts may be flawed.

No human can accurately and precisely predict the future of cryptocurrency prices in the financial markets.

ABBC coin price predictions and speculations are based on some fundamentals and technical analyses that may influence the asset or cryptocurrency. Do your due diligence on these crypto assets at all times.

ABBC Coin Price Forecasts By  Priceprediction

Priceprediction experts and market analysts predict that the price of ABBC coins may  reach a peak of $4.20 by 2030 based on its fundamental analysis, use cases, and previous price performance

ABBC Coin Price Prediction By Digital Coin Price

Digital coin price analysts forecasts on ABBC coin price to reach an all-time high of $2.27 in the year 2030 taking into consideration fundamentals and price history of ABBC coin (ABBC).

ABBC Coin Price Prediction By AMB Crypto

AMB crypto experts have carried out an analysis of ABBC coin price forecast and predicted the price of ABBC coin (ABBC) to trade at $1.14 in 2030

Price Prediction By Margex

Margex is a bitcoin-based derivatives platform that allows traders to trade up to 100x leverage size of their crypto assets while at the same time staking the tradable assets to earn more with the help of Margex’s unique staking feature. One of a kind and the first ever in the crypto space.

Margex unique features and user interface makes it possible for all traders, both advanced and beginners, to make money from the crypto market with little effort.

All you need to do to access these features is to open a Margex account, and if you are an existing user, you can log in to access all of Margex’s features, including free trading tools.

From the Image above, a top analyst on the Margex platform has been able to forecast the price of ABBC coin based on the use case and past price movement. Due to the bear market, the price of ABBC has declined across all boards, with the market impacting the circulating market cap and market dominance. But with investors and the use case of the ABBC coin, there is a high chance of the coin bouncing back during the bull run and performing well in the next cycle. ABBC is a good investment coin, no doubt, and would do well. Always do your research to be sure of your investment decisions, and do not invest more than what you can not afford to lose.

Frequently Asked Questions About ABBC Coin

Many traders and investors have asked a lot of questions such as  what is ABBC price prediction for 2023, ABBC Coin price forecast for 2030, and is ABBC a good investment?

Will ABBC Coin Go Up?

The price movements of cryptocurrencies may vary depending on their fundamentals, market sentiments, or market cycle.

Good knowledge of fundamentals and technical analysis of a cryptocurrency may give insight to an investor or trader on potential price movements.

Is ABBC Coin A Good Investment?

Traders and investors may be advised to carry out personal and extensive research on cryptocurrencies such as the ABBC coin before investing.

Investing in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risks and investors may need to conduct adequate research on the fundamentals of a cryptocurrency or seek expert advice before investing.

When To Sell And Exit ABBC Coin?

An investor or trader is solely responsible for deciding the right time to exit or sell a cryptocurrency.

Good knowledge of cryptocurrencies, their fundamentals, price history, and technical analysis may aid a trader’s decision. Still, it all comes down to a trader deciding when to buy or sell a cryptocurrency.