Apecoin (APE) Price Prediction 2023-2030

The blockchain industry has continuously evolved with new technologies aiming to find solutions to traditional financial systems and real-world applications.

The pioneers of blockchain, the likes of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), were designed to make payment and store of value for money easy, but this has evolved past that with the breakout of technologies and applications in Gaming (such as play-to-earn P2E, move-to-earn M2E), Metaverse, NFT collections, DeFi, and more.

The immense contribution of Ethereum and its layer 1 technology has revolutionalized smart contracts and the way people interact with the blockchain with the emergence of NFT and the creation of utility tokens having more applications in real-world cases.

Many people believe NFT and their utility tokens are the next big thing to happen to the blockchain as its application can be seen in arts, music, writing, and others.

ApeCoin as a utility and governance token, we will discuss more extensively ApeCoin price prediction and help guide investors to understand the future of Ape better.

What Is ApeCoin (APE)

ApeCoin, also known as APE, is a utility and governance token of the APE ecosystem, and as a decentralized layer protocol, it supports the community as it builds on web3.

Ape DAO owns APE; as a decentralized protocol layer, it is designed for different initiatives to support the community and push the culture into the metaverse.

Apecoin is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum network. Apecoin, unlike non-fungible tokens (NFTs), is equal in value to other Apecoin and is traded freely on decentralized and centralized exchanges.

In the first quarter of 2022, there was so much buzz in the crypto space; as a result of APE, a native token of the famous NFT art called Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) was adopted as Yuga Labs developed it.

BAYC showcases a different collection of bored apes depending on your mood and choice, with well-known investors Justin Bieber and Snoop Dog putting their money in this artwork as it affects even the tiniest details.

Although Yuga Labs adopt APE as a native token for their products and services, they are also the creator of other famous NFT collections such as CryptoPunks and Meebtis.

As a community token, the Apecoin DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that allows APE holders to participate in ecosystem funds, governance decisions, votes, and things related to the token.

After a successful vote on proposals by DAO members, the APE Foundation will carry out a community-led governance decision. As a legal steward of the DAO, the APE Foundation facilitates the growth and development of the ecosystem.

The APE Foundation consists of a Board comprising five members from crypto tech, including Amy Wu, part of the crypto exchange FTX venture, and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian.

ApeCoin native token APE has a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 and a current circulating supply of 306,875,000 APE. It is ranked 35th on the list of cryptocurrencies by market capitalization and dominates at 0.189%. ApeCoin reached an all-time high of $26.70 and an all-time low of $3.10 per APE.

Circulating supply 


Maximum supply 


All-time High 


All-time low


24H low/high

$7.03 / $7.49    

30d Change 


ApeCoin Launch And Origin Story

ApeCoin, although new in the crypto market, the information surrounding this coin makes it unique and gives reasons for investors to pay attention to this token.

ApeCoin is an ERC-20 utility and governance token created on the Ethereum network by Ape DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization or community with the sole aim of growing the token.

ApeCoin is also the official token of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC); Yuga Labs did not create it as some have misconceptions; in fact, Yuga labs have distanced itself from the token due to regulatory reasons.

On March 17, 2022, the price of APE hit the crypto market and gained so much prominence after rallying from a region of $5 to as high as $18 in less than 48 hours.

According to coingecko, ApeCoin has a maximum supply of 1B, a market cap of $2.17B, a trading volume of over $297M, and is currently ranked 35 on the coin list.

According to the ApeCoin website, tokens have been distributed to contributors of Apecoin and locked for the next 48 months in line with the lock schedule; 15% of tokens have been allocated to BAYC/MAYC holders, 47% to DAO treasury and resources, 16% to Yuga Labs and Charity, 14% to launch contributors and 8% to BAYC founders. All allocations are subjected to lock and release dates, respectively.

For non-NFT holders, you can purchase APeCoin on decentralized exchanges with your preferred payment methods.

What Protocol It Uses

ApeCoin, as an ERC-20 token, uses an open-source protocol layer for the ecosystem. This enables the community to push their ideas and culture to the forefront of web3.

Some of the purposes of the ApeCoin protocol include;

  • ApeCoin as a governance token allows holders of ApeCoin to participate in DAOs.
  • ApeCoin as a utility token, participants can share in an open currency that can be used in a decentralized manner.
  • ApeCoin gives access to its holders to certain parts of the ecosystem that are unavailable such as the purchase of Otherside Metaverse lands, exclusive games, merch, events, and others.

What Makes ApeCoin Different From Other Cryptocurrencies

Apecoin is not just a governance and utility token; it serves other multiple purposes for the ecosystem, including payments. ApeCoin use cases for its ecosystem allow users to participate in DAOs and exclusive access features such as events, merch, and games.

Although the coin is designed as a web3 token, it is widely accepted by most merchants and crypto exchanges as a means of payment. Third-party developers in the ecosystem use the ApeCoin in their services and games, such as the Brands Benji Banana ( a play-to-earn ) P2E game. Players have rewarded incentives and swap the incentives to ApeCoin.

Apecoin holders were allowed to purchase the Otherside metaverse land and can carry out transactions on metaverse marketplaces.

Important Factors Influencing ApeCoin Price Predictions Explained

Several factors drive the adoption and volatility of crypto assets in the blockchain industry, with many crypto projects aiming to solve real-world problems affecting the financial system. Altcoins like ApeCoin are no exception, especially with the rise in its trend over the past months as investors and the elite wants to be associated with BAYC, MAYC, and its token ApeCoin. Here are key factors that can influence the price prediction for ApeCoin.


The circulating supply of crypto assets plays an important role in future prices. A scarce asset is more likely to have high prices than assets with an increased supply in the market that will have low prices. The circulating supply of ApeCoin has also fueled the price of the coin as it keeps doing well right from the time of listing on crypto exchanges.

One way the Ape DAO community has ensured the price of APE keeps rising as demand increases is to lock the allocation with different release dates.

Listing On Major Exchanges

Another key factor that has fueled the price of ApeCoin to higher heights is the listing of ApeCoin on major exchanges such as Coinbase, Binance, Huobi, Kucoin, and more.

This is remarkable as many centralized exchanges have barriers to listing new projects.

Popularity Of The Bored Ape Yacht Club ( BAYC)

The emergence and revolution of non-fungible tokens (NFT) into the blockchain space can not be mentioned without discussing BAYC’s collections of ape artwork depicting different emotions at that time. These artworks, over time, have become a part of the blockchain collection as investors and traders own them and can be sold for thousands of dollars.

With the emergence of ApeCoin as a community token and the fact that BAYC has remained popular in the crypto space, it was easy to abduct ApeCoin by so many investors and allocate it to BAYC, MAYC NFTs collectors.

Market Sentiments

As with other altcoins, ApeCoin will follow the market sentiments of this token doing well since it is linked to the famous NFT collections that have created so much buzz in the crypto space.

ApeCoin Past Performance: A Complete Price History Of APEUSD

Yuga labs have become a big influencer in the NFT space with its famous apes’ collection Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and the Mutant Ape NFT (MAYC). Owning these ape collections has become an elite movement with prestige, with highly influential people hanging out in the Bored Ape Yacht Club.

To help power the ecosystem, apps, and services, there was a need for a utility and governance token that calls for the launch of ApeCoin.

ApeCoin started trading on March 17, 2022and was first shared to all BAYC and MAYC holders. The price peaked at $39.40 before hovering within the $10 mark after 24 hours.

This spike in price greatly affects the floor price of both BAYC and MAYC.

ApeCoin has received many partnership deals from well-known companies such as Animoca Brands and nWayPlay. They are working extensively to include or integrate the ApeCoin as an in-game currency.

ApeCoin saw a price surge as Yuga labs announced it for purchasing Otherside Metaverse land, with the price of ApeCoin going to $26.7 from a region of $9.

Yuga labs raised over $287M from the sale of Otherside despite Ethereum network congestion leading to high gas fees.

The chart above shows ApeCoin’s price, volume, and volatility it experienced towards the sale of the Otherside. April to June saw an increased volume accompanied by volatility for the price of ApeCoin.

The price of APE saw less volatility in 2022 as price suffered more losses to a region of $3.5 despite the announcement from Yuga Labs of its staking of APE to provide more returns for APE faithful in the time of crypto winter that continues to affect most crypto projects.

How Is ApeCoin Doing Now?

The price of ApeCoin and other cryptocurrencies has experienced a drastic decline for so many months now, with ApeCoin down by over 70% from its all-time high of $26.70. But the fact remains, the bear market gives you so many opportunities you would have wished for. Buying here or what seems to be the bottom would be the best investment as prices will rise in the next few months or beyond.

Bear markets are usually tough and challenging but present the best investment opportunities.

Apecoin is currently trading around $3,59 per APE token; Apecoin presents so many investment opportunities, but we need to be aware of a prolonged bear market, but the risk-to-reward ratio is better for a long time.

The chart shows the price of ApeCoin falling by over 90% against Tether ( USDT) from a high of $26.70.

Short-Term ApeCoin Price Prediction 2023

ApeCoin has had a rosy start after launching; it gained so much attention and speculation from BAYC and MAYC NFT collections. It is currently facing an ongoing crypto winter that has affected other cryptocurrencies that will be over soon. The chart below shows a monthly ApeCoin price prediction for 2022.


Minimum Price

Maximum Price


































Long-Term ApeCoin Price Prediction 2023, 2024, & 2025

Apecoin is a utility and governance token built on the Ethereum network with a good use case that applies to the real world. The chart below displays automated ApeCoin price predictions quarterly for 2023-2025.


Minimum Price

Maximum Price

Q1 2023



Q2 2023



Q3 2023



Q4 2023



Q1 2024



Q2 2024



Q3 2024



Q4 2024



Q1 2025



Q2 2025



Q3 2025



Q4 2025



Long-Term ApeCoin Price Prediction 2026 – 2030

The future is promising for blockchain technologies and communities in the next five to ten years. ApeCoin and other altcoins with great potential will continue to flourish despite the decline in market price due to the bear run. Below is a chart that displays automated APE price predictions yearly from 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, and 2030.


Minimum Price 

Maximum Price

























Long-Term APE Price Predictions From Experts

Having a wide range of related opinions from an industry expert before making a decision can influence your conclusion and reduce your risk of investing in crypto assets.

It is also important to note these experts are humans, predictions can be flawed as they can’t exactly predict the future of the financial market, but they can only speculate based on some fundamentals that influence the asset. Always do your due research and diligence on these crypto assets.


According to cryptocurrency experts on Changelly, who predicts the price of ApeCoin based on fundamental analysis and other factors, the price would peak at around $138 by 2030. Still, it could be traded at an average of $107.


According to experts on Zipmex, who predicts the price of ApeCoin based on fundamental analysis, wallet holders, and previous price performance, ApeCoin would see a peak price of $54  by 2030.


Experts on Coinpedia, who predicts the price of ApeCoin based on previous price actions, BAYC influence, and payment options for in- games, concluded the price of APE would peak at around $44 by 2025.

Price Prediction By Margex Technical Analysts

The Margex trading platform has a robust on-chain and technical analyst with sound technical knowledge to forecast and compare with automated price predictions offered by other AI technologies used for asset predictions. You must do your research and due diligence before you invest in a crypto asset, and when you always trade with what you can afford to lose.

After a massive decline from a region of $26.70, ApeCoin saw was seem to be a bottom around $3.4 and proper support for a bounce. With the current market state and relief bounce for all crypto assets, we could see the price of APE retesting $12, which could prove to be strong resistance.

Fundamentally the price of ApeCoin will keep appreciating as it would be incorporated as a means for payment in metaverse, in-games, and reward payment for game players.

Crypto As A Financial Instrument Today

Cryptocurrencies are virtual currencies linked to cryptographic systems. They have enabled secure online payment without third parties as a financial instrument.

Because of the blockchain’s security, there are no issues related to duplicates of transactions, and all transactions are traceable. It is very important to note that you can carry out transactions with any cryptocurrencies of your choice on an exchange.

Margex as a secure derivative exchange gives your all of that as tokens on Margex are verified with a good fundamental use case. Most cryptocurrencies are exposed to pump-and-dump, but the Margex AI system has been built to tackle the issues associated with pump-and-dump coins.

APE Price Prediction Crypto FAQ: Commonly Asked Questions About ApeCoin Cryptocurrency

APE, BAYC, and MAYC are terms you hear associated with ApeCoin, with so many expectations for the token to explode like its NFT collection.

These FAQs will answer some commonly asked questions about the price prediction for ApeCoin.

How Much Will ApeCoin Worth?

Because of the high names and influential NFT projects associated with ApeCoin, the price APE would do well. The coin being ingrained into metaverse projects and in-game payment would see ApeCoin doing well.

Is ApeCoin A Good Investment 2022?

ApeCoin is a good coin with a good use case, it has given so many returns, and its popularity has increased over the months. Doing your due diligence and research before you invest in it would be good.

What Will ApeCoin Be Worth In 2025?

The price of ApeCoin has been affected by the current bear market but has so much potential and big players’ names associated with it.

According to automated price prediction ApeCoin could be worth over $30 in 2025. These are just speculations; make sure to do your research as always before you invest.

Is ApeCoin Worth Buying?

Investing into ApeCoin now is a personal decision. Always ensure you do your research and be updated on the development in the ApeCoin ecosystem to help you invest and avoid the potential risk that could be attached to it, and never invest money you can’t afford to lose.

How Much Is ApeCoin Worth In 2030?

According to experts and automated price prediction, ApeCoin could go as high as $199 at its peak and an average price of $119. These predictions can be prone to human error, and the market can not be predicted perfectly. It would be good to do your due diligence and see the factors influencing the price to such heights.