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Staking Revolution


up to 5% APY

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Up your staking ROI with the highest yield on the market!

Earn interest on BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, and other top cryptocurrencies


APY: 5%
Earn USDC Coin

Ethereum (ETH)

APY: 4.7%
Earn Ethereum

Bitcoin (BTC)

APY: 3%
Earn Bitcoin

Tether (USDT)

APY: 5%
Earn Tether

Chainlink (Link)

APY: 3%
Earn Chainlink

Trade + Stake = Trade Staked Crypto

Trade while staking and get up to a 5% yield return at the same time

Competitors Staking Profit


Competitors Trading Profit

Your Staking Profit on Margex

Your Combined Profit on Margex

Your Trading Profit on Margex


Competitors Staking Profit

Competitors Trading Profit

Your Combined Profit on Margex

Your Staking Profit on Margex

Your Trading Profit on Margex


Competitors Staking Profit

Your Combined Profit on Margex

Your Staking Profit on Margex

Your Trading Profit on Margex


Competitors Staking Profit

Competitors Trading Profit

Your Staking Profit on Margex

Your Trading Profit on Margex


Competitors Trading Profit

Your Combined Profit on Margex

Your Staking Profit on Margex

Your Trading Profit on Margex

How does Margex help you earn more?

The unimaginable is now a reality. Margex now lets traders use their staked assets to trade crypto with up to 100x leverage. Boost your staking by trading with Margex

Margex Staking

Your Staking income

Your Trading income

Margex Trading

Earn an honest 5% in rewards

Margex protects clients from price manipulation using MP Shield, enabling an honest, high-percentage yield on staking pools. Trade, stake, and access the best possible returns in the market with no restrictions, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Margex Staking

APY: 5%

Competitors Staking

APY: 3%

Staking pools with 5% APY are limited!

Margex must impose a strict limit on available 5% APY staking pools to provide the best possible returns in the market. To ensure your chance to start earning fixed returns with an honest percentage, follow our email newsletters and push notifications.

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to start staking?
    Simply deposit any coin that is available for staking and enable staking on the Wallet page of your account. It's that simple! There are no limits for withdrawing/trading your staked balance. For additional convenience, we have prepared a short and simple tutorial - How to start Staking.
  • Can I continue trading if I stake my coins? How is it possible to trade the staked coins?
    Yes, your staked funds are not locked and are available for trading. This is possible because staked coins are used as a collateral and, with the help of our liquidity partners, provide customers with zero-interest loans that they can use for trading. This is an automated process that happens on the back end and is completely seamless for end users, just like regular trading.
  • How often do I receive yield from staking coins?
    Any yield received from staking is credited daily to the wallet balance for the corresponding coin.
  • When can I stake/un-stake my funds? Will this affect my earnings
    Every pending request to stake or un-stake funds is processed once a day. Earnings received will be calculated based on the amount of funds staked since the previous processing period
  • Are there any limits to staking? How much coins can I stake at a time
    Currently there are no specific predefined limits to the amount of coins that can be staked. However, it is important to keep in mind that the pie-chart icon on the Wallet page reflects the current amount of liquidity available for new stakings for each separate coin. A full pie-chart indicates that new coins can be staked, while an empy pie-chart indicates that currently staking is not available until additional liquidity becomes available in the pool of various DEFI and CEFI projects used in our staking program
  • Is the APY% guaranteed to always be the same?
    The reflected annual percentage yield (apy) % reflects the average percentage taking into account all of the DEFI and CEFI projects that are included in the staking pool. The actual APY% received will depend on numerous markets factors such as supply/demand, liquidity, volatility, etc, and may be higher or lower.